Rev. Theodore D. Rothrock @ Conservative Club of Tellico

Date(s) - 08/25/2021
8:00 am

Little Italy Restaurant


Conservative Club guest speaker.  Rev. Theodore D. Rothrock is a Roman Catholic priest and current pastor of St. Paul Church in Marion, Indiana. Fr. Ted was ordained in 1983 and holds Masters of Divinity and Liturgical Theology degrees from the University of Notre Dame. He has served in the Catholic Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana at the Purdue University Catholic Center and as the director of Worship and Adult Formation. Over the last thirty years, he has been the senior pastor in both rural and suburban parishes.

Brief Outline of Presentation:
-Personal introduction and background
Catholic education in theology and biology
Worship and Liturgical studies
Pastoral experience
– Modernism and mainline Christianity
-Secularization and the evangelical movement
-Progressivism and Globalization
-Pandemic and the “cancel culture”
-Christian responsibility and leadership

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